
Material Survey — Results

The Digital Access to the Sámi Heritage Archives project survey obtained positive results from more than 50 organisations’ collections and archives in Europe in 2018-2020. While much of this material is currently available only in not digital (analog) formats, a significant portion has already been digitised, and some of these items have been made available online.

The results of the survey are reported here in an interactive format in order to increase the visibility of its findings. The aim of this report is to assist interested audiences in finding more information about the organisations and their materials. Please notice that only the organisations that have confirmed they have materials relating to the Sámi people and culture in their collections, and have agreed to the publication of their results, are presented in this report.

The report provides the name of the organisation, its address, and a brief overview of its materials. Filters for country and material type can be used to narrow down the list of results. In addition, you can see if an organisation has materials in digital form by using the Available in digital form filter.

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57 / 57  results

Weltmuseum Wien, Austria

Heldenplatz 1010, Vienna

The Weltmuseum has photographs and material related to Sámi culture. Some of the material is digitised but not available online. The material was gathered from Norway, Finland, Sweden and Russia. The Weltmuseum is a governmental institution.

Types of material: PhotographsOtherAnalogue / digital

Austrian State Archives/Haus-hof- und Staatsarchiv, Austria

Minoritenplatz 1,1010, Vienna

There are few pages concerning a scientific journey taken by Dr Georg Kyrle and three others to the “Lapp- und Finnmarken” for anthropological and ethnographical research which was conducted at the beginning of December 1913 for the Austro-Hungarian Academy of Sciences. The document gives an overview of the stops on the trip but no details on the goals or scientific items, etc.

Types of material: OtherAnalogue

The Prague City Archives, Czech Republic

Archivni 1280/6, 4 – 149 00,Prague

There is only one record. It is from the heraldry collection and has the crests of Gustavus Adolphus of Sweden, Finland and Lapland (Lapponia).

Types of material: PhotographsAnalogue / digital

Royal Danish Library, Denmark

Søren Kierkegaards Plads 1, 1221 Copenhagen K

The material regarding Sámi people, history and culture is spread out across the Royal Danish Library’s departments and archives. The library has obtained maps and drawings by Claus Bering and the diaries of Knud Rasmussen from travelling to Lapland in 1906. The Manuscript Collection has a digitisation of Knud Rasmussen’s travel diary to Lapland, Search words such as ”Finmark*” and ”sami*” can be used in the Manuscript Collection and digital collections to narrow down the search. Alfred Krarups Katalog over Universitetsbibliotekets Haandskrifter provides information in the Norway-section. Digital collections can be accessed from here.

Types of material: Notebooks, letters and diariesOtherAnalogue / digital

The Film Archives of the National Archives of Estonia, Estonia

Ristiku 84, 10318 Tallin

The National Archives of Estonia have photographs and audiovisual material in their collections. The material was collected in Russia/Soviet Union and Estonia. These collections are digitised: see films and audio and photos and documents. This institution is governmental.

Types of material: PhotographsOtherAudiovisualAnalogue / digital

Institute of the Estonian Language, Estonia

Roosikrantsi 6, 10119, Tallin

The IEL governs audio material related to Sámi language and culture. Most of the recordings were collected on expeditions to the Kola Peninsula, Murmansk oblast during the 1960s and 1970s, and these contain recordings from Kildin Sámi, Skolt Sámi and Ter Sámi. Recordings were made by Väino Klaus (the majority of Kildin Sámi recordings), Karl Kont (the majority of Ter Sámi recordings, also Kildin and Kelt Sámi), G. Kert (Kelt Sámi, Kildin Sámi and Ter Sámi), and Ülo Tedre (Ter Sámi). There are few recordings of Inari Sámi and North Sámi that were submitted by Finnish researchers (Leif Rantala, Mikko Korhonen, Terho Itkonen) and of South Sámi sent from the University of Umea (by Erik Nilsson (Mankot)). Some of the recordings lack most of their metadata; therefore information about their origins and how they arrived at the archive is missing. These recordings include Kildin Sámi recordings from 1975, Kildin Sámi and Kelt Sámi recordings from 1989 and South Sámi recordings. Material from 1989 may have been recorded by Marju Sarv and Ene Viiding. All of the material, 82 hours in total, is digitised. Archive records are available through EMSUKA database.

Types of material: AudioAnalogue / digital

Museum Estonian National Museum, Estonia

Muuseumi tee 2, Tartu 60532, Estonia

The museum holds Sámi-related photographs, catalogues, written material related to folklore and traditions, notebooks, letters and diaries, correspondence by collectors or scholars and audio and audio-visual material in its collections. Photographs, written material and correspondence are digitised Estonian Museum's Public Portal. Use in the Name or Description field “saami” or “lapi”. The material comes mostly from Russia, Finland and also Sweden.

Types of material: PhotographsWritten material related to folklore or traditionsCorrespondence by collectors or scholarsAudioAudiovisualAnalogue / digital

Finnish Heritage Agency/The Picture Collections, Finland

Sturenkatu 2a, 00510 Helsinki

The Picture Collection at the Finnish Heritage Agency administrates many collections of pictures related to Sámi people or the Sámi area, estimated to include under 15,000 pictures. Some of this collection, around 7,500 of these photographs, have been published on Search service

Types of material: PhotographsAnalogue / digital

Link: View materials included in this search portal

Finnish Literature Society Archives, Finland

Hallituskatu 1, 00170 Helsinki

This organisation houses a great deal of material related to Sámi. SKS was established 1831. The dates of scholarship holders’ field projects, collection projects, donations of materials and provenance of the collections have been known from the beginning. However, the catalogue system is not arranged in a way that allows the Sámi material to be separated from the other materials. Most of the Sámi material is not systemically digitised. Most of the Sámi audio material is digitised. There are about 280 hours of digitised audio material. The audio-visual material is not systemically digitised. The material has been gathered in Finland, Norway, Sweden and Russia/Soviet Union.

Types of material: PhotographsCataloguesOtherAudioAudiovisualAnalogue / digital

Finnish Heritage Agency/Library, Archives and Archaeological Collections, Finland

Sturenkatu 2a, Helsinki

This institution has Sámi material such as photographs, written material related to folklore and traditions, notebooks, letters and diaries in its collection. Only a small part of the metadata of the archive materials is available in digital form. The archaeological collections in the Sámi areas can be searched by municipality (e.g. Utsjoki, Inari, Enontekiö, Sodankylä). The archaeological field reports are also digitised and visible via Materials of the cultural environment (archaeology, ethnography, monuments and sites etc.) and search service of Finnish Heritage Agency. Most of the material comes from Finland but some photographs are from Norway and from Russia; especially those taken before 1917, when Finland was a Grand Duchy and part of the Russian Empire.

Types of material: PhotographsWritten material related to folklore or traditionsNotebooks, letters and diariesAnalogue / digital

Institute for the Languages of Finland, Finland

Hakaniemnranta 6, 00530 Helsinki

This institute houses material related to Sámi languages, as well as folklore and culture. There are also 1,113 interviews in different Sámi languages that are a part of the sound archive of the Finnish language. The collections contain 11,769 nametags of Sámi place names from Finland. There are 8,295 Northsámi nametags, 3,501 Inarisaami nametags and in addition 1,601 name tags from Skoltsaami gathered by Karl Nickulin from Petsamo/Petšenga. In addition, there is material in digital form, for example the Inarisaami placenames gathered by Ilmari Mattus.

Types of material: OtherAudioAnalogue / digital

National Audiovisual Institute, Finland

Sörnäisten rantatie 25 A, 00500, Helsinki

The National Audio-visual Institute (KAVI) is a governmental institute and governs films as deposits from production and distribution companies. 10 hours of this material are digitised and can be viewed via search service

Types of material: AudioAnalogue / digital

People's Archives, Finland

Vetehisenkuja 1, 00530 Helsinki

This archive has photographs and other material related to Sámi. Material has come to this Institution by donations. It can be searched from Kansan Arkisto's databases. The material is from Finland. This archive is private.

Types of material: PhotographsOtherAnalogue / digital

National Archives of Finland, Finland

Rauhankatu 17, 00170 Helsinki

The National Archives hold both archives from the private sector and from authorities. Sámi Archives are part of the National Archives and responsible for safeguarding the Sámi cultural heritage. Materials are located in Helsinki, Oulu, Mikkeli and Inari. Materials can be reached via Digital Archives and online service Astia.

Types of material: PhotographsWritten material related to folklore or traditionsNotebooks, letters and diariesCorrespondence by collectors or scholarsOtherAudioAudiovisualAnalogue / digital

Link: View materials included in this search portal

Museum Fünf Kontinente, Germany

Maximilianstr. 42, 80538 Munich

The museum administers the catalogues related to the object collection and correspondence by Julius Konietzko from Hamburg who collected in the years 1914-16 in Sweden, Finland, Norway and Russia. The collection was bought by the museum in 1918. Konietzko made drawings of almost every piece and sometimes provided a short description and the Indigenous name. This museum is owned by the State of Bavaria.

Types of material: CataloguesCorrespondence by collectors or scholarsAnalogue

Museum am Rothenbaum, Germany

Rothembaumchaussee 64, Hamburg

This museum is governmental and has photographs by collector Julius Konietzko, from his journey to Lapland in 1911-1912. There are also photograph collections related to Sámi from various sources, their provenance mostly documented. The photographs are from Finland, Norway, Sweden and Russia/Soviet Union.

Types of material: PhotographsAnalogue

Reiss-Engelhorn-Museen Mannheim, Germany

Museum Weltkulturen D5, 68159 Mannheim

The museum has 15 letters from Sámi Per Thuuri from Narvik, Norway, from 1928 to 1930 to Erich Wustmann, a German traveller and collector, including lists of ethnographical artefacts, Indigenous terms and explanations, also accounts of stories, probably oral traditions or folklore. All original documents by Erich Wustmann – including these letters – are kept at the Hauptstaatsarchiv in Dresden, Saxony, Germany.

Types of material: Notebooks, letters and diariesAnalogue

Rautenstrauch-Joest Museum Cultures of the World, Germany

Cäcilienstrasse 29-33, 50667 Cologne

The museum has a collection of 144 objects. The material is mostly from the Russian Federation, but also from other countries. This museum is a municipal organisation.

Types of material: OtherAnalogue / digital

Ethnologische Sammlung Museum Natur und Mensch Städtische Museen Freiburg, Germany

Adelhauserstrasse 33a, 79098 Freiburg

This museum is owned by the city of Freiburg. The museum has a collection of 111 objects from “Lappland”. In addition, the museum is continuously expanding its online-catalogue.

Types of material: OtherAnalogue / digital

Weltkulturen Museum, Germany

Schaumainkai 29-37, 60594 Frankfurt am Main

There are 105 objects of Sámi material culture at the Weltkulturen Museum in Frankfurt. The material was gathered in Sweden and Norway. The museum is owned by the City of Frankfurt.

Types of material: OtherAnalogue / digital

Museum of European Cultures – National Museums in Berlin, Germany

Arnimallee 25, 14195 Berlin

The Museum Europäischer Kulturen (MEK) – Staatliche Museen zu Berlin (Museum of European Cultures – National Museums in Berlin) belongs to the Prussian Cultural Heritage Foundation and is a governmental institution. As a museum of everyday culture in Europe it houses about 287,000 objects from the 18th century to the present time. To these belong the Sámi collection that comprises approximately 1,670 accession numbers, which includes around 1,000 3D objects and 670 photographs. They originated resp. were taken in different parts of Sápmi. Nearly all of them are digitized and published online in German language in SMB-digital [Museum Europäischer Kulturen].

Types of material: PhotographsWritten material related to folklore or traditionsNotebooks, letters and diariesCorrespondence by collectors or scholarsOtherAnalogue / digital

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The National Archives of Iceland, Iceland

Laugavegur 162, 105 Reykjavik

The National Archives of Iceland has some material (110 hits) related to the search words “Finnmark” and “lappi”. The material is part of the Danish Rentekammer and Kanselli. It was transferred to the National Archives of Iceland in 1928. The material is official correspondence relating to Finnmark or Finnmark/Iceland.

Types of material: OtherAnalogue / digital

MUSEON, Netherlands

Stadhouderslaan 37, 2517, HV Den Haag

The museum has 20 glass positives, 1 black and white stereo picture and 4 engravings: 3 of them are pages from the book of Thomas Bewick, "A General History of Quadrupeds", one an engraving of an unknown artist. Among these Sámi objects from MUSEON's collection you will find photographs and engravings. Museon is a semi-governmental foundation.

Types of material: PhotographsOtherAnalogue / digital

Wereldmuseum, Netherlands

Willemskade 25, 3016 DM Rotterdam

This museum has a collection of 21 Sámi objects, donated by Dr. E. van Rijckevorsel (1887), G.H. Müller (1907 and 1908), W. Verschuur (1907) and Dr. H.F.C. ten Kate (1910). The material is from Norway. The museum is owned by the Municipality of Rotterdam.

Types of material: OtherAnalogue / digital

Arkiv i Nordland, Norway

postmottak, Fylkeshuset, 8049 Bodø

The archive has photographs, written material related to folklore and traditions and 10 recordings in the collections. The material consists of donations and depositions from authors and researchers and also a communal archive that was donated to AiN. This communal archive is from Sámi areas so it can contain documents about Sámi people, but the material has not been catalogued according to ethnicity or language. Some of the photographs, around 500, are digitised.

Types of material: PhotographsWritten material related to folklore or traditionsOtherAudioAnalogue / digital

The University Library of Bergen's special collections, Norway

Pb 7808, 5020 Bergen

The university library has a collection of around 1,500 photographs. The Sophus Tromholt Collection consists of 244 photographic motifs, most of them from Sápmi, 1882-1883. A large number are explicitly concerned with Sámi culture and history. Material from Sápmi, including photographs depicting Sámi people, also appears in smaller numbers in other photographic collections, for example the Knud Knudsen Collection and the BS (general photographs) Collection.

Types of material: PhotographsNotebooks, letters and diariesAnalogue / digital

The National Library of Norway, Norway

Henrik Ibsens gate 110, Oslo

There are approximately 60 archives containing written Sámi material, 1,000-5,000 photographs and 250-300 notebooks, letters and diaries. In addition there are 50-100 pieces of correspondence and 250-300 other materials such as lithographs, posters and other printed materials. Written materials, manuscripts and correspondence are mainly to be found in the archives of Norwegian scholars, such as Qvigstad, Friis and Nissen – and several others. The main share was acquired through donations, often by the scholars themselves or from their close family. The provenance of each single archive is registered in the internal database.

Types of material: PhotographsWritten material related to folklore or traditionsNotebooks, letters and diariesCorrespondence by collectors or scholarsOtherAnalogue / digital

RiddoDuottarMuseat/Kautokeino municipal museum, Norway

Boaronjárga 23, 9520 Kautokeino

There are 3,000-4,000 photographs and other materials such as letters from America and diaries, private archives, documentation of businesses, 150-200 interviews and some films. The museum publishes photographs which are allowed to be used at DigitaltMuseum.

Types of material: PhotographsCataloguesWritten material related to folklore or traditionsNotebooks, letters and diariesAnalogue / digital

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Norsk Folkemuseum, Norway

Postboks 720 Skøyen, 0214 Oslo

Norsk Folkemuseum has an exhibition where many of the objects from the Sámi collection are exhibited. Altogether, there are 4,500 photographs, written materials related to folklore, notebooks, letters, another 4,999 objects and two architectural structures and 100 tapes with language samples, joik and stories from Sámi culture. The recordings are digitised, but for privacy reasons not published online. The material has come to the institution through donations from private persons and other museums, fieldwork and research projects (institutional and external), documentation projects and active collection.

Types of material: PhotographsWritten material related to folklore or traditionsNotebooks, letters and diariesCorrespondence by collectors or scholarsOtherAudioAudiovisualAnalogue / digital

IKA Finnmark IKS, Norway

Holmenveien 4, 9700 Lakselv

Materials were received in the period 1998-2007, followed by submissions from municipalities and some private archives.

Types of material: Correspondence by collectors or scholarsAudioAudiovisualAnalogue / digital

World Heritage Rock Art Centre - Alta Museum, Norway

Altaveien 19, 9518 Alta

There are 200 photographs, 15 audio and 5 audio-visual materials. In addition, the archives of the protest movement against the damming of the Alta-Kautokeino water system consists of nine shelf-metres of organised boxes, in addition to artefacts and photos.

Types of material: PhotographsOtherAudioAnalogue

National Archives of Norway, Norway

Sognsveien 221, 0862 Oslo

The National Archives Services of Norway is an independent government authority under the Ministry of Culture, and comprehends the National Archives, eight regional state archives (statsarkivene), the Sámi Archives and the Norwegian Health Archives. The Sámi Archives have a national responsibility to preserve Sámi documentation. Politicians, researchers, Sámi institutions, associations, reindeer herding districts, and other companies deliver their material. Other public institutions, such as Beaivváš, Gáldu and Sámediggi archive their material within the Sámi Archives. Digitised material can be found at the Digital Archives serviceof the National Archives of Norway and all material, including the digitised, can be found at Arkiv Portalen.

Types of material: Analogue

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National Library of Poland, Poland

al. Niepodległości 213 02-086 Warsaw

The photograph of a woman in Sámi costume (ca. 1897) comes from the private collection of the Polish historian and archivist Aleksander Czołowski, active in the city of Lviv. The journal articles are mainly in Polish, the books in Polish and Russian, all of which we obtained mainly as legal deposit.

Types of material: PhotographsWritten material related to folklore or traditionsOtherAnalogue / digital

Museo de América, Spain

Av. de los Reyes Católicos, 6, 28040 Madrid

This institution holds Sámi objects. The collection was collected by Karl Bovallius and donated to the museum in 1896. The objects are from Sweden. This institution is governmental.

Types of material: OtherAnalogue / digital

Museo Nacional de Antropología, Spain

C/ Alfonso XII, 68, 28014 Madrid

Upon the death of the ethnologist Karl-Sieghard Seipoldy in 1986, his widow, Gisela Seipoldy, and her daughter, Melanie Seipoldy, inherited the ethnographical collection collected by Seipoldy between 1955 and 1986 on various expeditions. The entire collection was put up for sale and acquired by the National Museum of Anthropology in 1991. Along with the collection are part of the Personal Library (a total of 50 volumes), copies of photographs taken on his research trips and about 2,000 slides documenting the collection.

Types of material: PhotographsNotebooks, letters and diariesAnalogue

Skogsmuseet i Lycksele AB, Sweden

Gammplatsen, 921 32 Lycksele

Skogsmuseet has all kinds of material in its collections. We have a Sámi collection that was donated and a collection came to the museum through a legacy. The material comes from Sweden. The owner of the museum is Lycksele Municipality, Västerbotten.

Types of material: PhotographsCataloguesWritten material related to folklore or traditionsNotebooks, letters and diariesCorrespondence by collectors or scholarsAudioAnalogue

Härjedalens Fjällmuseum AB, Sweden

Rörosvägen 30, 840 95 Funäsdalen

The objects and photographs in the collections are owned by the local history association (Härjedalens Fornminnesförening). There are currently about 11,000 pictures in the collection. There are many Sámi portraits as well as pictures of South Sámi residences, pictures of work and so forth in the collection. The oldest pictures are dated from 1850-1900. Some of the pictures are digitised.

Types of material: PhotographsOtherAnalogue / digital

Ájtte, Swedish mountain and Samimuseum, Sweden

Kyrkogatan 3, SE-962 31 Jokkmokk

There are photographs, catalogues, written material related to folklore and traditions, notebooks, letters and diaries, correspondence by collectors and scholars, audio and audio-visual material in Ájtte‘s collections. The catalogues and correspondence are not digitised as other material is. They are published at the database of Ájtte museum, Kringla search service and Swedish National Archives database. The material is mostly from Sweden.

Types of material: PhotographsCataloguesWritten material related to folklore or traditionsNotebooks, letters and diariesCorrespondence by collectors or scholarsAudioAudiovisualAnalogue / digital

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Kulturen in Lund, Sweden

Box 1095 221 04 Lund

Kulturen has a collection of 180 objects collected mainly from Sweden. This museum is in private ownership.

Types of material: OtherAnalogue / digital

The Association Archives of Jämtland, Sweden

Arkivvägen 1, SE-831 52 Östersund

The Association Archives of Jämtland has a collection of around 500 photographs, 6 catalogues, written material related and folklore or traditions, notebooks, letters and diaries as well as correspondence by collectors and scholars. Some of the material is digitised in the Swedish National Archives database. Seek with Föreningsarkivet i Jämtlands län. Since 2017 this institution has been working on a project called “Voices of Southern Sapmi – an archive project for democracy and memory” together with the Swedish national archive and the Southern Sapmi Culture center Gaaltije. The material is from Southern Sápmi in Sweden: the regions of Jämtland and Härjedalen. The institution is an association.

Types of material: PhotographsCataloguesWritten material related to folklore or traditionsNotebooks, letters and diariesCorrespondence by collectors or scholarsOtherAnalogue / digital

Stiftelsen Jamtli, Sweden

Box 709, 83128 Östersund

Jamtli holds about 20,000 photographs, interviews and records in ÖMEA – for the most part restricted – (85 non-restricted records in ÖMEA) and 134 photos in the photo archive (note: not the same as the photo collections). In addition, interviews and fewer than 10 films are on display on our exhibition. Some of the 10-20,000 photographs are digitised, as well as songs and interviews with Thomas Torkelson about Sámi, some audio-visual material is also digitised. The mutual catalogues for the County Museum collections and search service Kringla; search for the collections in Jamtli. The material is from Sweden. Jamtli is a foundation.

Types of material: PhotographsWritten material related to folklore or traditionsOtherAudioAudiovisualAnalogue / digital

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Kulturmagasinet/Helsingborgs museer, Sweden

Gisela Trapps väg 1, 254 37 Helsingborg

The museum has a collection of 100 objects collected mainly from Sweden. The owner of the museum is the city of Helsingborg.

Types of material: OtherAnalogue / digital

The National Library of Sweden, Sweden

Humlegårdsgatan 26, Box 5039, 10241 Stockholm

The National Library holds some Sámi-related items, such as maps, manuscripts and pictures. In addition, the Libris national database in 2017 recorded 475 items written in Sámi languages. Libris also contains the Swedish Sámi Bibliography (SAMB) sub-database, which covers all the literature published in Sweden on the Sámi and their culture.

Types of material: PhotographsCataloguesWritten material related to folklore or traditionsNotebooks, letters and diariesCorrespondence by collectors or scholarsOtherAudioAudiovisualAnalogue / digital

Norrbottens museum, Sweden

Höstvägen 7, Luleå

The Norrbotten Museum has all kinds of material related to Sámi. A large part of the collection, including Sámi material comes from the foundation of the museum, in the late 1800s. Some of the collections are digitised and can be found from museum's database. The archive is available online at Visualarkiv. The material is from Sweden. The museum is owned by Region Norrbotten.

Types of material: PhotographsCataloguesWritten material related to folklore or traditionsNotebooks, letters and diariesCorrespondence by collectors or scholarsAudioAudiovisualAnalogue / digital

Folkbiblioteket Vilhelmina, Sweden

Tingsgatan 8, 91233 Vilhelmina

This institute holds photographs and written material related to folklore and traditions, audio and audio-visual material related to Sámi culture. They also have a digital archive dating up to 2010, accessible for research, containing articles from 1,200 magazines and newspapers. There is also a collection of books, articles, audiobooks and videos. In order to see other digitised material you have to visit the library to get the link and password. The material comes from Sweden. The library is owned by the Municipality.

Types of material: PhotographsWritten material related to folklore or traditionsOtherAudioAudiovisualAnalogue / digital

The Regional State Archives in Härnösand, Sweden

Box 161, 871 24 Härnösand

The Archive is part of the Swedish National Archives. They have collections of photographs and all kinds of written materials related to Sámi culture in their collections. However, the amount is impossible to estimate, since the archives are registered in such a way that is not possible to produce these figures. The archive material contains a great deal of different media and all of the descriptions about the archives and what they contain can be searched in Swedish National Archives Database. The material comes from Sweden.

Types of material: PhotographsWritten material related to folklore or traditionsNotebooks, letters and diariesCorrespondence by collectors or scholarsOtherAnalogue / digital

The National Museums of World Culture, Sweden

Södra Vägen 54, Göteborg, Sweden

The National Museums of World Culture, a Swedish governmental museum agency consisting of four museums, manages a Sámi collection comprising around 2,000 objects, as well as related archival material including catalogue cards, letters and registers. There are also 400 photographs in the collections. The majority of these are copies of photographs from other museums and include images taken by Ernst Manker, Borg Mesch, Josef Lagergren, Henning Ritter, Gustaf Hallström and Ernst Person. . The Sámi collections includes material from Finland, Norway, Sweden, and Russia/Soviet Union. To date, around 1,500 objects have been photographed and digitised, as have the photograph collections and catalogues. They an be found from collections. The National Museums of World Culture is currently in the process of transferring the Sámi collections to Ájtte.

Types of material: PhotographsNotebooks, letters and diariesCorrespondence by collectors or scholarsOtherAnalogue / digital

Link: View materials included in this search portal

The Swedish National Archives in Östersund, Sweden

Arkivvägen 1, 837 52 Östersund

The Archive is part of the Swedish National Archives. There are 200 photographs and all kinds of written materials related to Sámi culture in their collections. The Regional State Archives in Östersund keep archives from state administrative bodies and private persons/farms/enterprises. The holdings date back to the medieval ages up until today and cover the county of Jämtland. Jämtland is part of Sápmi, therefore many of the archives contain information about Sámi people and the areas where they have been living.

Types of material: PhotographsCataloguesWritten material related to folklore or traditionsNotebooks, letters and diariesCorrespondence by collectors or scholarsOtherAnalogue / digital

Stiftelsen Nordiska museet, Sweden

Box 27820, 115 93 Stockholm

Nordiska museet has a large collection of photographs, catalogues, written material related to folklore or traditions, notebooks, letters and diaries, correspondence by collectors or scholars and also audiovisual material. Collecting, and Documentations/Field researches has been made by the museum, since 1870 and onwards. But there are also donations and purchases. There have been different kind of collectors: Museum staff, people engaged by the museum and local people. (The museum also has a large collection of Sami objects. To a large extent the objects have been collected in association with field researches.). The digitised material covers ca. 1211 photographs, about 27 catalogues, 9 question lists with answers related to folklore or traditions. The catalogues can be found at Swedish National Archives Database, use search word: lapska. For other material see DigitaltMuseum. The collection contains material from Sweden, Finland, Norway and Russia. Nordiska museet is a foundation.

Types of material: PhotographsCataloguesWritten material related to folklore or traditionsNotebooks, letters and diariesCorrespondence by collectors or scholarsAudiovisualAnalogue / digital

Stiftelsen Silvermuseet, Sweden

Torget, 938 31 Arjeplog

Silvermuseet has photographs, written material related to folklore and traditions, notebooks, letters and diaries, audio and audio-visual material in their collections. These materials were collected by Einar Wallquist in 1922–1965 and thereafter by accessions within the operations of Stiftelsen Silvermuseet. The digitised material can be made accessible upon request. Silvermuseet is a private foundation.

Types of material: PhotographsWritten material related to folklore or traditionsNotebooks, letters and diariesAudioAudiovisualAnalogue / digital

Västerbottens museum, Sweden

Helena Elisabeths väg 3, SE-903 42 Umeå

This museum administers a collection of 5,000 photographs, written material related to folklore and traditions, notebooks, letters and diaries, correspondence by collectors and scholars, and around 100 audio and 20 audio-visual materials in its collections. Photographs were collected during in 1960–2019 by different photographers. The material related to folklore was collected by the museum from the 1930s onwards. About 1,200 photographs are digitised and can be seen in the museum’s online database.

Types of material: PhotographsWritten material related to folklore or traditionsNotebooks, letters and diariesCorrespondence by collectors or scholarsOtherAudioAudiovisualAnalogue / digital

Uppsala University Library, Sweden

Carolina Rediviva, Dag Hammarskjölds Väg 1, 752 37 Uppsala

The archive holds the archive of the race biological institutions of Sweden (Rasbiologiska institutets archive). This archive became a part of the university in 1950. The research material was mainly formed in northern Sweden between 1920-30. The archive is owned by the government.

Types of material: PhotographsWritten material related to folklore or traditionsCorrespondence by collectors or scholarsAnalogue

Museum der Kulturen Basel, Switzerland

Münsterplatz 20, CH-4001 Basel

The Museum der Kulturen Basel has more than 300 Sámi objects that have been gathered between 1900 and 2017. At least 225 of them were (indirectly) sold to the museum by the German trader Julius Konietzko. Other objects came into the collection as a result of exchange with the Norsk Folkemuseum. In addition, the museum has 48 photographs taken by different photographers in 1922-1950 (partly cut-outs from magazines).

Types of material: PhotographsOtherAnalogue

Ethnographic Museum at the University of Zurich, Switzerland

Pelikanstrasse 40 8001 Zurich

This museum has four objects and four postcards related to Sámi culture. The museum is owned by the University of Zurich.

Types of material: PhotographsOtherAnalogue / digital

National Library of Scotland, United Kingdom

George IV Bridge, EH1 1EW Edinburgh

The National Library of Scotland has around 100 photographs, catalogues, written material related to folklore and traditions, travel journals and several hundred watercolours related to Sámi culture. They were collected and created by John Francis Campbell of Islay, with his own watercolour illustrations made during eleven journeys to Norway, Sweden and Finland in 1849-1873. He had a particular interest in the Sámi people, and his watercolours are accompanied by diaries describing his travels. There is also the occasional photograph. The collection was bequeathed to the Advocates Library, Edinburgh, on his death in 1885, and was gifted to the National Library of Scotland at its foundation in 1925. The digitised images are not yet accessible through our own website, but many can be seen on the website created by Tromsø University Library, as a small number were digitised as part of the Ultima Thule website. Tromsø University Library has mounted many of Campbell’s watercolours on its Ultima Thule website. This material comes from Finland, Norway and Sweden; some material is also from Western Russia. The National Library of Scotland is a governmental institution.

Types of material: PhotographsCataloguesWritten material related to folklore or traditionsNotebooks, letters and diariesOtherAnalogue / digital

Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology, United Kingdom

Downing Street, CB2 3DZ Cambridge

MAA cares for around 150 Sámi objects, including weapons, clothing and items relating to reindeer-herding and domestic life. The highlights of the collection are two probably 18th century divining drums. One of these is on loan to MAA from Trinity College, University of Cambridge. This was previously lent to the Ajtee Museum in Jokkmokk in 1998-2008. The other drum was transferred in 1887 to MAA with no documentation from the university library. Collectors and donors include the MAA curators Baron Anatole von Hügel (1898- 1920s) and Dr Louis Clarke (1920s and 1930s), the zoologist Professor Alfred Newton (1855), Dr Francis Guillemard (1893), the Cambridge anthropologist Dr Ethel Lindgren (1936- 1940), Lady Maud Smith Woodard (1944), Mikel Nils Persson Utski (1947); Utski was from Karesuando and was married to Ethel Lindgren), R.N.H. Bulmer (1950) and Miles Burkitt (1971). A small contemporary collection was made in 2001 by Sharon Webb as part of her doctoral fieldwork, Webb, 2001, “Contested Histories or Multiple Pasts? The Representation of the Archaeological Past in the Museum”, Cambridge: University of Cambridge. A new drum was also commissioned in 2007 from Helge Sunna by Carine Durand, see Durand, 2010 Anthropology in a Glass Case: Indigeneity Collaboration and Artistic Practices in Museums. VDM Verlag.

Types of material: PhotographsWritten material related to folklore or traditionsCorrespondence by collectors or scholarsAnalogue / digital

Pitt Rivers Museum, United Kingdom

South Parks Rd, OX1 3PP, Oxford

There are 228 photographs, 1 catalogue, 6 written materials related to folklore, 1 notebook and 4 other objects in the collection. All manuscript items (catalogues, written material, correspondence and others) are from the “Blackwood Papers” collection. Beatrice Blackwood worked at the Pitt Rivers Museum from the 1930s to 1959 and those items with a recorded date on our database seem to be from the 1940s. Photographic collections: Type: photograph – 200; drawing – 12; lithograph – 11. Material acquired by purchase or donation, 1898–1994 Provenance: Expeditions recorded: “Carl Dammann?”; “Arthur John Evans – visit to Finnish Lapland (August to October 1873)”; “Arthur John Evans”; “Jens Lannges”; “Carl Victor Dammann; Friedrich Wilhelm Dammann”. Photographers/artists: A. Kalland, Arthur John Evans, Auguste Figon studio (Hammerfest, Norway), Axel Lindahl, Enebere Higet Mittet & Co., Frederick Spencer Chapman, Friedrich Renard studio (Stockholm, Sweden), Henry Balfour, Alfred Heneage Cocks, Arthur Evans, Hermann Delius, J. [James] Valentine & Co., Dundee, Jens Lannges, Jørgen Wickstrøm studio (Tromsø, Norway), K. Knudsen, Bergen, Marcus Selmer studio (Bergen, Norway), Wilhelm Abraham Eurenius and Peter Ludvig Quist studio (Stockholm, Sweden). Donors of material to the museum: Edward Burnett Tylor, Henry Balfour, Henry Nottidge Moseley, Faith Mary Spencer Chapman, Joan Evans, Elizabeth Edwards. Other known owners: Arthur John Evans, Alfred Heneage Cocks.

Types of material: PhotographsCataloguesWritten material related to folklore or traditionsCorrespondence by collectors or scholarsOtherAnalogue / digital

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